Experienced Real Estate Counsel

Gates Property Group was formed to focus more than two decades of real estate experience on principal and advisory roles in real estate projects in the United States and a number of global markets, offering a tailored fee and equity structure that reflects the unique value and role brought to each transaction. GPG is led by Tom Gates, an experienced developer and real estate counselor.
Prior to founding Gates Property Group, Tom worked as a Development Director at Struever Bros., Eccles & Rouse in Baltimore, Maryland, completed a Master of Science in Real Estate at The Johns Hopkins University, and represented commercial real estate developers and investors at Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A. in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he was a shareholder and Chair of the Real Estate Development and Finance Practice Group. Tom has significant experience in all aspects of the real estate development process, across a broad spectrum of geographic and market areas.
Tom is proficient in Spanish, and his international experience includes advising Dutch, Japanese and Bahamian clients regarding real estate matters arising from their business operations in the United States, and advising U.S. clients regarding real estate acquisitions in a number of foreign countries. Together with members of Arias & Muñoz, a law firm with offices throughout Central America, he co-authored the Costa Rica chapter of "Real Estate Investment, Development & Law in Emerging Markets," published by PEI Media Ltd. (2010).
As a delegate to the Interlaw legal network for more than eight years, including two terms as Chair of the North American Real Estate Special Business Team, Tom built strong professional and personal relationships with lawyers at 79 law firms in 133 cities throughout the world.
Counselors of Real Estate, 2010-present
Carolinas Chapter Board of Directors, 2011-present (Chairman, 2015-present)
Interlaw Delegate, 2008-2015
North American Real Estate Special Business Team, Co-chair, 2011-2016
Mecklenburg County Bar, Grievance Committee, 2011-14
Leadership Charlotte, Class 27
North Carolina Bar Association, Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section,2000-present
Urban Land Institute, Associate Member, 1999-present